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Hear from Deloitte Consumer Leaders and see what they can do for you.
India has long been valued as a service center, but the opportunity is so much greater. As the second largest market, and the fastest growing middle class, India is giving other investment destinations a run for their money. Our Deloitte Consumer Leaders discuss topics such as the growth of the consumer market, what matters to Indian consumers, the future for the automotive industry, and share tips on developing successful strategies. The time to focus on India is now, because the train is leaving the station. Are you on board?
Imagine being able to combine consumer insights from the in-store shopping experiences with the data analytics of e-commerce? Our Deloitte Consumer Leaders are focused on wowing customers back into stores by pushing the boundaries of customer experience, and providing the tools to measure the impact. With our consumer consultancy solution “Re:Store”, retailers can now optimize their physical spaces like they would on an e-commerce site, using an analytics tool called Shopalytix as well as partner with innovators in our space in Leeds called The Walk to create, build, test and launch new experiences. The future of retail is bright.
How do you get from Detroit to Silicon Valley? Go via Shanghai. Big tech is converging with big auto but it’s in Asia where the future of transport is being roadtested. That’s why Deloitte Consumer Leaders chose CES Asia in Shanghai to showcase our 2019 Global Automative Consumer Study – the industry bible on changing consumer attitudes. One major finding: who people trust to deliver the future varies hugely across Asian markets. Find out what people in Asia really think about the future of mobility.
China is a major market for our global clients, and understanding the Chinese consumer is fundamental to success. In this film Tian Bing Zhang, Consumer Products and Retail Sector Leader, Deloitte Asia Pacific, discusses the evolution of China’s Retail market uncovering themes such as: gaining brand influence in China; a change in the habits of young Chinese consumers; the significance of social influencers; and he also ponders a future cashless society.
China is now the consumer lab for the world, online and offline are merging to create compelling experiences for consumers and offer tremendous opportunities for brands. This film shows Deloitte Consumer Leaders with some of our clients as they visited the world’s fastest growing AI start-up and took to the streets to see how established brands are creating new and captivating experiences for consumers.
Consumers. We’re obsessed by them. How they think and feel what they love and hate how they act. Now and in the future. This forensic relentless focus on consumers drives everything we do. We use proprietary data and our judgment built on experience across all sectors and markets to help global brands get closer to consumers and create winning strategies for the near future. We help make things better for your consumers and so make a real impact in people’s lives. We are Deloitte Consumer Leaders.