
Thriving in Hong Kong, a city of resilience and opportunities

A 360-degree business outlook

Published date: 24 April, 2023

Hong Kong's economic and business prospects are strengthened by its role in China's national development plans and the HKSAR Government's ambitious efforts to invigorate the business environment, particularly in areas like Innovation and Technology (I&T), high-end manufacturing, and digitalization.

Furthermore, driven by its status as a "Super Connector" to the world and the Government's outreach to other markets, Hong Kong is rapidly becoming a destination of choice for companies' regional and global expansions.

But businesses cannot succeed by leveraging these factors alone – they must control costs and enhance efficiency, promote sustainability, and increase investment in talent if they are to ensure their own prosperity and that of Hong Kong.

This whitepaper from Deloitte China x SAP – Thriving in Hong Kong, a region of resilience and opportunities – assesses the landscape and positive prospects for Hong Kong's economy, explores beneficial exogenous factors for businesses, and analyzes how organizations can adapt to benefit from related opportunities.

Thriving in Hong Kong, a region of resilience and opportunities

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