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Actionable Customer Segmentation

Many companies use segmentation to better understand their customers. Unfortunately, segmentations are often difficult to make actionable. Do you know what drives your customer from low-value segments to high-value segments? Actionable Customer Segmentation provides this kind of insight.


The Advanced Analytics Deloitte Team has experience with creating and deploying segmentation in the B2C as well as B2B customer environment. Segmentation can work independently or it can serve as a predictor in other analytical models focused more deeply on specific business problems, such as retention, acquisition, cross-sell etc. Whether the solution to your request will be segmentation on its own or if it will be part of another solution always depends on an analysis of the specific request and the problem at hand. We will always recommend, create, deploy and test the best solution with the best result. We make sure that the selected segmentation method is transparent and its result brings maximum internal homogeneity and external heterogeneity of the segments.

Using behavioural segmentation, we have improved service models for exiting corporate clients of a major Polish bank and determined the most suitable service for new clients. Financial impact of EUR 4 million per year.

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