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Deloitte North Macedonia Transparency Report

As one of the four world companies for professional services, Deloitte has taken the responsibility to be a leader in providing professional services including: audit, consulting, financial advisory, enterprise risk services and other services for business activities. As part of the Deloitte Central Europe group, Deloitte Skopje is constantly in touch with the global policies and effectively uses the resources of the professionals from all of the countries in the region. At Deloitte the primary accent is put on the quality of our employees and their work. The aim of this report is to express the transparency and honesty in all aspects of our working procedures.

In accordance with the local Law on Audit (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia no. 158/10, 135/11, 188/13, 43/14, 138/14, 145/15, 192/15, 23/16 and 83/18 and Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia no. 122/21) Deloitte publishes the following transparency report for 2023.

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