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Business Pulse Albania 2024

Discover the Survey Findings

Deloitte publishes the results of the “Business Pulse Albania” 2024 survey, where around 100 businesses responded to questions regarding the business climate in the market and how they envision the future of their businesses.

  • 49% of businesses in Albania prioritize further investment and technology improvement in the next 3-5 years.
  • 27% of businesses in Albania prioritize investment in other sectors (business diversification) in the next 3-5 years.
  • 15% of businesses in Albania plan to exit the market (sell their business) in the next 3-5 years.
  • 9% of businesses in Albania plan to invest regionally or internationally in the next 3-5 years.

From the businesses in Albania that are considering exiting the market:

  • 32% of businesses in Albania state that maximizing the value of their business through acquisition by large foreign companies is the primary reason that may lead them to sell their business.
  • 25% of businesses in Albania state that the need for large investments and lack of financing is the main reason that could lead them to sell their business.
  • 24% of businesses in Albania state that the challenges in further developing the local market are the main reasons that may lead them to sell their business.
  • 19% of businesses in Albania state that the lack of interest from successors to be involved in the development of the existing business (due to other initiatives, different academic profiles, etc.) is the primary reason that may lead them to sell their business.

If you find yourself relating to any of the results from Business Pulse Albania 2024, contact us for consulting with our experts in Deloitte’s Financial Advisory department and discover how to maximize your business potential in the market.

Business Pulse Report Albanian
Business Pulse Report English

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