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EU Taxonomy

Recommendations on technical screening criteria

On August 3, 2021, the Platform on Sustainable Finance published a draft report on preliminary recommendations for the technical screening criteria for the EU Taxonomy, related to the remaining four of the six environmental objectives (i.e. Sustainable Use and Protection of Water and Marine Resources, Transition to Economy circular, Pollution prevention and control, Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems). A procedure to collect stakeholder feedback on draft recommendations has also been launched and can be submitted until 24 September 2021.

The draft report prepared by the dedicated Platform subgroup, the Technical Working Group (TWG), is an important step in the Platform’s main mandate under the Taxonomy Regulation to advise the Commission on the development of the EU taxonomy, and in particular on the development of technical screening criteria (TSC) for the 6 environmental objectives as set out in the Taxonomy Regulation. It is a working document by the Platform and contains preliminary technical screening criteria that do not represent a final view of the Platform.

It is neither an official Commission document nor an official Commission position. Nothing in this document commits the Commission nor does it preclude any policy outcomes.

The draft report focuses primarily on presenting a first set of priority economic activities and draft recommendations for associated substantial contribution and do no significant harm (DNSH) technical screening criteria in relation to the 4 non-climate environmental objectives covering water, circular economy, pollution prevention, and biodiversity & ecosystems. However, a small number of economic activities and corresponding draft recommendations for technical screening criteria related to the climate mitigation and adaptation objectives have also been included.

Read the report

Platform on Sustainable Finance - Technical Working Group - Annex: Full list of technical screening criteria August 2021 (

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Link for feedback:

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Below is a list of economic activities that are proposed as contributing to the achievement of the remaining four environmental goals:


Sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources

  1. Growing of non-perennial crops
  2. Growing of perennial crops
  3. Manufacture of chemicals and chemical product
  4. Inland passenger water transport
  5. Inland freight water transport
  6. Sea and coastal passenger water transport
  7. Sea and coastal freight water transport
  8. Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
  9. Manufacture of fabricated metal products + machinery and (electrical) equipment
  10. Manufacture of leather and leather related products

Transition to a circular economy

  1. Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
  2. Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
  3. Manufacture of electrical equipment
  4. Manufacture of textiles
  5. Manufacture of wearing apparel
  6. Construction of buildings
  7. Manufacture of leather and related products
  8. Manufacture of food products
  9. Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials
  10. Civil engineering
  11. Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products

Pollution prevention and control

  1. Crop production (including support activities for crop production)
  2. Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products
  3. Other passenger land transport; freight transport by road and removal services; individual traffic
  4. Manufacture of fabricated metal products + electrical and electronic equipment + motor vehicles and transport equipment
  5. Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations
  6. Electric power generation, transmission and distribution
  7. Manufacture of textiles + Manufacture of wearing apparel
  8. Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations
  9. Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster
  10. Water transport
  11. Animal production

Protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems

  1. Crop production
  2. Animal production
  3. Tourism, sports and leisure activities
  4. Forestry and logging
  5. Construction including conversion from other land uses
  6. Passenger or freight land transport
  7. Hydropower (dams, weirs, run-off-the-river)
  8. Marine fishing
  9. Water transport
  10. Wind, wave and tidal power
  11. Manufacture of food and beverage products

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