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Mitigating Cybercrime

Exploring solutions to help stakeholders combat these threats.

Cybercrime creates both challenges and opportunities for policy makers, law enforcement, the judiciary and participants in the criminal justice ecosystem.

Long-term shifts in technology and threats to cyber security todaypermeate society.  Cybercrime creates both challenges and opportunitiesfor policy makers, law enforcement, the judiciary and participants in thecriminal justice ecosystem.

This report examines the state of cybercrime, its impact on criminaljustice systems globally and what can be done about it. Today’sincreasingly sophisticated cyber threats stem in part from the rapidproliferation of Cybercrime-as-a-Service (CaaS), which has significantlylowered the barriers to entry for malicious cyber actors. The resultantfrequency of major data breaches has long-term consequences for bothvictims and society that challenges justice systems.

There are many opportunities for stakeholders to help prevent and mitigate these threats. Global in scope, they require collaboration among policymakers, law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity professionals globally—and an ability to keep up with the speed and agility of cybercriminals. Ultimately, policy makers, law enforcement professionals and others in the broader criminal justice ecosystemface multiple challenges fighting increasingly sophisticated cybercriminals. But there are many opportunities available to mitigate these crimes and prevent them from happening in the first place.

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