Deloitte as a CDP accredited service provider
We are proud to announce that as of December 2022 Deloitte has become an accredited CDP silver climate change and SBT (Science Based Targets) consultancy partner in Central Europe.
Becoming an accredited CDP provider would enhance Deloitte eligibility to support its current and future clients in identifying the gaps in their environmental performance, address these gaps and identify further opportunities for becoming leaders in the corporate environmental action space.
About CDP
CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2000 to monitor and manage environmental impacts of investors, companies, cities, states, and regions. It is a platform that links the investors, companies, and public authorities to achieve the common target: fighting climate change.
CDP’s mission is inspired by the words of one of the all-time greatest management consultants:
“You can’t manage what you don’t measure” (Peter F. Drucker)
CDP believes that improving awareness, measurement and disclosure of the critical environmental data is essential to the effective management of climate change risks and reducing environmental damage.
Each year, CDP utilizes the information provided in its annual reporting process to evaluate companies and cities based their actions undertaken against climate change and deforestation and maintaining water security.
Based on the information supplied, the entities undergo a dedicated scoring. The scoring aims to incentivise them to implement improvement measures. The results of the scoring are disclosed on a dedicated website.
CDP for companies
Investors, customers, and other stakeholders are increasing their pressure on businesses to monitor and manage their environmental impact. Joining a respective framework as a CDP could improve the company's reputation and ease communication with investors, allowing access to new capital. Furthermore, some entities will be required to make non-financial disclosures, so disclosing through CDP allows companies to stay ahead of the curve.
However, the main reason for proper environmental impact management is the tangible business benefits. Risk and opportunity awareness aids in anticipating potential turmoil and enables the development of a data-driven strategy. In addition, CDP guide companies to take responsibility of their supply chain by requesting key suppliers to report their environmental data through CDP’s questionnaires, support them through the process and provide analysis and insights of the reporting results.
CPD for investors
Investors are also encouraged to disclose to CDP because they play a key role in the low-carbon transition, and environmental management is increasingly becoming a key issue in investment decision making. On behalf of investors, CDP can request environmental disclosure from companies. Investors receive the most consistent, comprehensive, and measurable dataset because the disclosure system has been developed for years.
CDP for states, regions, cities, governments, and public authorities
The CDP-ICLEI Track platform is the world's leading climate reporting platform and city progress accountability mechanism. The tool not only assists cities in meeting their climate and environmental goals, but it also tracks progress on UN-backed campaigns such as Race to Zero.
CDP also provides a global platform for regions to share their climate data. By joining CDP, regions gain access to global initiatives and expert guidance to guide and improve their climate ambitions.
In 2022 CDP launched an environmental disclosure model tailored specifically for public authorities. It was created to respond to society's, investors', and regulators' interest in the authority's environmental impact and risks, as well as their peers'.
Finally, CDP assists governance in capacity building by providing market insights and policy briefings via a newsletter, website, or multiple conferences. In addition, the charity works with policymakers and regulators to advance the
environmental agenda, often in collaboration with other leading organizations.
Our offer
Deloitte has extensive experience assisting organizations, institutions, and businesses in their transition. We are ready and eager to propose more comprehensive support to a variety of organizations as a result of our partnership with CDP. Our range of services includes the following:
• Development of a decarbonisation strategy
• Development of a carbon offsetting policy
• Enriching understanding of the importance of ESG management through trainings for executive management
• Calculation of carbon footprint in Scope 1,2 and 3
• Calculation of carbon footprint of goods and services provided
• Supporting the decarbonisation of your supply chain
• Integration climate and environmental targets in the decision-making processes
• Determination of ESG indicators that will support the acquiring of financing
• Understanding the current and upcoming regulatory framework