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Karel Vesely

Partner in Consulting → Human Capital, Financial Services | Partner in the Actuarial & Insurance Team

Karel is a Partner in Prague office of Actuarial & Insurance Solutions in Deloitte. He has been leading over 100 projects with insurance companies in Central and Eastern Europe, namely in Solvency II, IDD, IFRS, motor insurance, corporate structure changes, pensions, cost allocation and insurance distribution. Karel’s clients include Aegon, Allianz, AXA, Czech Insurance Association, ČSOB Pojišťovna, ERGO, Generali , NN, UNIQA, VIG or Youplus. Prior to joining Deloitte, Karel had had extensive insurance experience in the insurance industry in 1997-2010 (including the roles of CEO, Sales Director and Chief Actuary). Karel holds a PhD degree from Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University, Prague. He is a fully qualified actuary.