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Kai Struckmann

Partner, Deloitte Legal

CBR Building,
Terhulpsesteenweg 185 Chaussée de la Hulpe,
1170 Brussels, Belgium


Kai is the leader of the EU Law and State Aid Center of Excellence within Deloitte Central Europe, supplementing Deloitte’s multidisciplinary offering throughout this area in the Deloitte network. He has been practicing EU law at institutional level as well as private practice for more than 20 years. He advises and litigates on a broad range of questions, with a focus on competition law and state aid, and is recognised by Who's Who Legal in its Global Elite ranking as a thought leader for Competition - state aid.

He has extensive expertise concerning the application of the EU competition and state aid rules in the energy sector and their interaction with the EU regulatory regime and is the co-author of the energy chapter in the compendium "EU State Aid Control – Law and Economics" published by Wolters Kluwer.

Kai’s experience in antitrust includes his involvement in major investigations in the energy sector, including subsequent EU litigation, as well as cartel settlement cases.

In addition, he has a strong track record in representing clients before the EU courts in Luxembourg, where he has been involved in many actions. His previous court experience includes the landmark Micula case, involving state aid and arbitration, as well as representing a leading global social media platform in two high-profile preliminary reference procedures originating from Austria, on matters of jurisdiction, consumer protection, personal rights, and free speech.

Prior to joining Deloitte Legal, Kai was a partner in the EU practice of a global law firm. Earlier, he worked at the European Commission's Directorate General for Competition where he was responsible for the enforcement of state aid policy.