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Sustainable and responsible supply chain

As consumers and regulators call for greater traceability and insight into supply chains, organizations are increasingly exploring ecosystem strategies that take into account their end-to-end transparency, design, sourcing, manufacturing, and distribution. Deloitte works with organizations from across industries as they design and optimize their physical footprint, as well as helping to design their sustainable supply chain operating models by leveraging data analytics, technology, collaboration with alliance relationships, and circular economy principles.  

Deloitte is likewise focused on our own supply chains, which cross multiple industries and regions of the world. Recognizing that more than two-thirds of Deloitte’s aggregate emissions are derived from purchased goods and services, Deloitte’s WorldClimate  strategy includes a specific focus on developing more sustainable supply chains.  

2023 Global Impact Report

Building better futures

Assessing, managing, and reducing supply chain emissions 

As part of Deloitte’s WorldClimate initiative, in FY2023 we continued to expand on previous years’ supply chain sustainability activities. Efforts to assess, manage, and reduce supply chain emissions are underway across Deloitte’s major purchasing categories, and include implementation of sustainability-related request for proposal (RFP) questions and contract language. These improvements include introducing WorldClimate-specific criteria with our suppliers, such as setting science-based targets, and category-specific ESG-related items such as recycling and electricity-use standards. In support of these goals, Deloitte Global has established a Procurement Sustainability team, with the express purpose of driving sustainability solutions in Deloitte supply chain and procurement processes. 

Carbon emission reporting by suppliers 

To be in line with the Paris Agreement goals, our WorldClimate initiative focuses on engaging our highest emitting suppliers in order to drive responsible climate choices within our organization and beyond. In FY2023, our primary goal was to start to engage with suppliers that have not yet committed to setting science-based emissions reduction targets, to better understand their greenhouse gas emissions and their journey toward decarbonization. Continuing to use the CDP (formerly Carbon Disclosure Project) platform, we have encouraged these suppliers to report their emissions and actions through this centralized climate-focused reporting questionnaire.  

Initiatives of this kind help Deloitte to calculate our emissions with greater accuracy and identify suppliers for additional engagement. These initiatives also are the cornerstone for Deloitte's WorldClimate goal of having two-thirds of our suppliers (by emissions) set science-based targets. 

Pursuing our efforts in support of alternative solutions to reduce emissions 

To help reduce our business travel-related emissions, Deloitte continues to participate in the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) market. In 2023, we purchased SAF from a variety of market participants, building on purchases made in 2021 and 2022. In addition, we are working to advance collective SAF demand through our participation in the World Economic Forum’s Clean Skies for Tomorrow Coalition and First Movers Coalition, as well as the Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance


Kathryn Alsegaf
Global Chief Sustainability Officer

Brian Nichols
Deloitte Global Deputy Chief Procurement Officer

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Corporate Responsibility & Sustainability

The Deloitte network is committed to driving societal change and promoting environmental sustainability.