Read about how Deloitte and Salesforce are driving impact through the Salesforce Apprenticeship Program
As part of the Wave Training Program, the Salesforce Apprenticeship experience aims to cultivate Salesforce-skilled professionals by giving participants exposure to the professional services industry and opportunities to build fundamental business skills and technology experiences.
In July 2023, Deloitte, launched inaugural Salesforce Apprenticeship program as part of the firm’s commitment to driving impact that matters through the Salesforce Wave Training Program. This program is just one example of how Deloitte is activating the goals of its Social Impact Investment, a $1.5 billion, ten-year commitment initiated in 2022 to help increase social and economic mobility, especially for those facing the greatest barriers to equity and prosperity. Quality education and training are important components to helping prepare individuals for the evolving workforce.
“Currently, around 60% of US workers don’t have a four-year degree and may be held back from realizing their full potential.” (source – link) Deloitte is expanding the firm’s efforts to tap into that workforce through the apprentice position and experience.
In this new apprenticeship program, Deloitte created a net new position for professionals who are eager to become technology consultants but might not have training traditionally required for the role, or a 4-year college degree. Prior to applying for the program, participants took the initiative to learn Salesforce basics through programs such as the Salesforce Talent Alliance – Wave OneTen Career Cohort.
"The systemic barriers that exist within society have made it difficult for individuals from diverse backgrounds to obtain the four-year degree that is often the minimum requirement for many family-sustaining careers. An apprenticeship has the ability to change that, giving talent the opportunity to earn and learn at the same time. We’re proud to launch the Salesforce Apprenticeship and provide more equitable access to technology roles that evolve the industry and advance the talents of racially and ethnically diverse candidates."
-Kwasi Mitchell, Deloitte US Chief Purpose and DEI Officer
"Businesses today are not just implementing Salesforce for automating a singular business case anymore. Many are investing in Salesforce as a platform to accelerate innovation and digital transformation. This provides a great opportunity as talent requirements are expanding, from just understanding business acumen and traditional college curriculums, to requiring talent that is also trained and proficient in enterprise platforms like Salesforce. Our apprenticeship program is one example of how to bridge this gap, and provide inroads into technology, through focused trainings, real world consulting experience, and opportunities for our apprentices to work with multiple Salesforce technologies. This opportunity is unique as the apprentices are not incoming with the traditional 4-year degree but will have extensive coaching and training on Salesforce and Salesforce consulting, to drive success with our client teams."
-Harry Datwani, Deloitte Consulting LLP Principal in Deloitte Digital and the US Consulting Lead Alliance Partner for Salesforce
Deloitte Digital is here to create trust and confidence in a more equitable society. Join us to make an impact that matters and for upcoming Wave programs. Deloitte Digital is a part of Deloitte Consulting which is subsidiary of Deloitte LLP. Please see for a detailed description of our legal structure. Certain services may not be available to attest clients under the rules and regulations of public accounting.
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