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Global Rewards Update

Global employer services

Update on the treatment of equity

Recent alerts

May 2024: Global Reward Update - Italy

Changes to personal tax filing requirements for foreign investments.

May 2024: Global Reward Update - Canada

Proposed changes to capital gains and stock option inclusion rate.

March 2024: Global Reward Update - Wrap Up

A wrap up of global tax and legal technical developments affecting global incentive plans - including Update for Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, South Africa, South Korea and the United Kingdom.

February 2024: Global Reward Update - Belgium

Social security contributions not due on RSUs awarded by a foreign parent company

December 2023: Global Reward Update - Wrap Up

A wrap up of global tax and legal technical developments affecting global incentive plans - including Update for Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Slovakia and the United Kingdom.

November 2023: Global Reward Update - Ireland

PAYE withholding on share options

September 2023: Global Reward Update - United States

Application of US FICA on RSUs for internationally mobile employees

August 2023: Global Reward Update - Wrap Up

A wrap up of global tax and legal technical developments affecting global incentive plans - including Update for Albania, Canada, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia, Portugal, South Korea and the United Kingdom.

July 2023: Global Reward Update - India

Increase of TCS applicable to foreign remittances

April 2023: Global Reward Update - Wrap Up

A wrap up of global tax and legal technical developments affecting global incentive plans - including Update for China, France, India, Japan, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom and the United States.

December 2022: Global Reward Update - Wrap Up

A wrap up of global tax and legal technical developments affecting global incentive plans - including Update for Canada, Ireland, Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom.

October 2022: Philippines Global Reward Update

Removal of FBT for equity-based compensation.

August 2022: Global Reward Update - Wrap Up

A wrap up of global tax and legal technical developments affecting global incentive plans - including Update for Australia, Canada, Ireland, Poland, Saudi Arabia, UAE and the United Kingdom.

April 2022: Global Reward Update - Wrap Up

A wrap up of global tax technical developments affecting global incentive plans - including Update for Australia, Canada, China, Norway, Singapore and the United Kingdom.

February 2022: Ireland Global Reward Update

Share scheme manuals Update

January 2022: Global Reward Update

Incentive awards during the pandemic

January 2022: Spain Global Reward Update

Changes to Spanish taxation of carried interest

December 2021: Global Reward Update - Wrap Up

A wrap up of global tax & legal technical developments affecting global incentive plans - including Update for Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Netherlands, Romania, UK and US

November 2021: China Global Reward Update

New employer reporting requirements for employee incentive plans

September 2021: UK Global Reward Update

Health and Social Care Levy - Impact for share incentive schemes

June 2021: Australia Global Reward Update

Change to Deferred Income Tax Point for Employee Share Schemes.

June 2021: Canada Global Reward Update

Revenue Agency Update - Taxation of RSUs

June 2021: Ireland Global Reward Update

New Employer Share Scheme Reporting

Archive alerts

May 2021: Canada Global Reward Update

Revenue Agency Update - Taxation of RSUs.

April 2021: Ireland Global Reward Update

Save As You Earn (SAYE)

March 2021: Canada Global Reward Update

Federal Economic Update - Employee Stock Options.

March 2021: France Global Reward Update

Financial Services Reward - French rules implementing the Capital Requirements Directive V (‘CRD V’)

March 2021: Ireland Global Reward Update

Employer Share Scheme Reporting.

March 2021: Finland Global Reward Update

The Finnish Parliament has recently approved a new employee share issue regime

January 2021: Luxembourg Global Reward Update

The three key changes that impact employee reward

December 2020: France Global Reward Update

Non-resident taxation: A step back to the status quo?

October 2020: UK Global Reward Update

HMRC’s Tax Advantaged Share Schemes (“TASS”) research

January 2020: Canada Global Reward Update

Delayed implementation of proposal to introduce an annual cap on beneficial stock options treatment

January 2020: Greece Global Rewards Update

Tax favourable treatment for shares acquired under stock option plans

October 2019: United Kingdom Global Rewards Update

Annual share plan returns Reporting of awards that are net settled

June 2019: Belgium Global Rewards Update

Supreme Court ruling on Social Security

May 2019: China Global Rewards Update

Guidance Issue on taxation of income from stock incentive plans

April 2019: Saudi Arabia Global Rewards Update

Legislative simplification for employee share plans

April 2019: Canada Global Rewards Update

Budget proposal to introduce a CA$200,000 annual cap on beneficial treatment of employee stock options for large companies.

March 2019: Singapore, Ukraine and Denmark Global Rewards Update

Recent regulatory Update in Singapore, Ukraine and Denmark

November 2018: Belgium Global Rewards Update

Draught legislation to require taxable stock compensation income

November 2018: New Zealand Global Rewards Update

Changes to the Taxation of Employee Share Schemes

August 2018: Belgium Global Rewards Update

Tax reporting and withholding in Belgium - Update

May 2018: New Zealand Global Rewards Update

Employee Share Scheme Reporting

March 2018: Canada Global Reward Update

Proposed additional reporting requirements for non-resident trusts

September 2017: South Africa Global Rewards Update

New tax directive application form introduced for employee share plans

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