
Covid-19: 5 minute reading series

Read our series of articles on the impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on M&A

Our 5 minute reading series share points of views on relevant topics about the Covid-19 crisis for executives and M&A professionals, addressing its impact M&A, how to drive M&A planning in virtual environment, and perspectives for the post outbreak.

Covid-19: Impacts on M&A in Brazil

The pandemic crisis had an immediate impact on the M&A recovery that was expected for 2020. Our Deloitte team listed a few points that require special attention from organizations to continue to move forward with their M&A activities while identifying new business opportunities.


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Covid-19: The M&A role in companies recovery

The article explore how companies can take advantage of using a combination of offensive and defensive merger and acquisition strategies to prepare and accelerate their response and recovery regarding the Covid-19 crisis.


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Covid-19: M&A in a virtual environment

In a scenario where most people are working remotely, a good planning can minimize disruptions and maximize value in mergers and acquisitions.The third article of our 5 minutes reading series addresses how to prepare and execute a M&A project in this new reality.


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Covid-19: Impacts on due diligence

Our experts point out some effects of the pandemic on due diligence analysis that will be carried out in the coming months and list good practices that can guide your business during this period.


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Covid-19: The post outbreak M&A scenario

The new coronavirus accelerated the natural pace of change and organizations had to adapt to a new reality. Deloitte's team of experts presents an insight into the post-Covid-19 mergers and acquisitions scenario in the last article of the 5 minute reading series.


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Covid-19: The role of IT in M&A

Despite the scenario of economic uncertainty, technology has played a crucial role in the activities of organizations, by facilitating remote work and increasing digital experiences. Deloitte's team of M&A specialists identified four technological trends that must be considered when evaluating target companies.


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