Deloitte was chosen to support B20 Brazil 2024, a group that represents the voice of the business community with the governments that make up the G20 during the Brazilian presidency of the summit in 2024. Deloitte was a knowledge partner for two task forces within B20 Brazil: Finance & Infrastructure and Integrity & Compliance. B20 Brazil, coordinated by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI, in the acronym in Portuguese), played the role of fostering dialogue and representing the voice of the business community by making public policy recommendations for G20 through thematic task forces.
The Finance & Infrastructure task force was responsible for discussing issues related to access to capital, sustainable finance and financial inclusion, among others; in addition to topics such as improving investments in infrastructure, building resilient and sustainable systems, and promoting public-private partnerships. In the Integrity & Compliance task force, issues such as anti-corruption measures, ethical business practices, regulatory compliance and promotion of the highest levels of corporate governance were discussed..
In recent years, Deloitte has been supporting the B20 and G20 globally as a knowledge partner in various topics and also as members and active participants of these groups. "We believe in the key role of the B20 in promoting constructive dialogue between the business community, civil society, policymakers and governments to shape and strengthen global cooperation and governance on issues that are priorities for the economy, society and development," said Bruce Mescher, lead partner for Public Policy at Deloitte.
Watch the conversation (subtitles in Portuguese) between Luiz Paulo Assis, Deloitte's leader for the B20 Brazil 2024 Finance & Infrastructure task force, and Luciana Ribeiro, chair of this front, about the main recommendations of the policy paper delivered to the G20 presidency. Among the highlights are sustainable solutions and the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Alex Borges, Deloitte's leader for the B20 Brazil 2024 Integrity & Compliance task force, spoke with Claudia Sender, chair of this task force, about the main recommendations of the policy paper recently delivered to the G20 presidency, which aim to strengthen corporate governance and the fight against corruption (subtitles in Portuguese).