Deloitte Academy helps Tax, Finance and HR professionals find their way in an ever growing volume of complex legislation by offering a wide-range of seminars and Dbriefs on a variety of tax and legal topics, with a strong focus on recent developments and what they mean for your business.
Explore our professional events designed to elevate your expertise and enhance your business.Uncover a wealth of knowledge and connections at our events, tailored for your professional growth.
The Belgium Tax Alerts allow you to stay informed of the latest Belgian tax developments, covering Corporate Tax, Individual Tax, VAT, Customs & Trade and more.
Ontdek op deze blog praktische artikels over boekhoudkundige, fiscale, juridische en beleidsonderwerpen die interessant zijn voor kleine, middelgrote en grote ondernemingen.
Ce blog, une publication éditée par Deloitte Accountancy, comporte des articles pratiques portant sur des matières comptables, fiscales, juridiques et de gestion susceptibles d'intéresser les petites, moyennes et grandes entreprises.
The Deloitte Legal Newsflashes allow you to stay informed of the latest Belgian and European legal developments in finance, corporate, tax, real estate and public law, among other domains.