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Social Inspections

Hands-on and solution-driven advice to safeguard or restore compliance both prior, during and after the audit

The increased scrutiny of the Belgian authorities on compliance with social law results in an increase of social audits. Deloitte can assist you with hands-on and solution-driven advice to safeguard or restore compliance both prior, during and after the audit.


Your challenges


The Belgian government is taking more and more action to monitor compliance with social law, especially in cross-border employment but also in domestic situations. Both at the EU and local level, a comprehensive framework is in place for better enforcement, with better cooperation and increasing exchange of information between authorities. This results inevitably in an increase and improvement of social audits to detect non-compliance.

  • How do you prepare for a social audit?
  • What are the competences of the social inspectors, where can they search, what can they ask you?
  • How do you behave and react during the audit?
  • What’s your strategy after the audit as to providing information, regularization, mitigation, etc?


How we can help


Deloitte assists companies with social inspections, both prior, during and after the audit. Our multidisciplinary team consists of experts in the fields of employment, social security, immigration and tax, who can support with a wide variety of audit-related topics and provide hands-on and solution-driven advice to safeguard or restore compliance.