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Introduction to Deloitte’s Gi3 team

Deloitte’s Global investment & innovation incentives (Gi3) team can add significant value to your R&D and sustainability strategies by enhancing the process of identifying and claiming government incentives allowing you to accelerate the deployment of the latter strategies.

About Us

Our experienced team of engineers, scientists and tax professionals is here to assist and advise you on the many R&D and sustainability incentives that are available, for instance the R&D tax credit, EU Grants, and IP box.

The Deloitte way of working is tailored on our long-standing experience of creating value given the organisational specifics for start-ups, scale-ups as well as multinationals. Our broad range of services and technology solutions, combined with our global presence empowers us to deliver integrated services on a corporate as well as a regional level through Europe.

  • Comprehensive skill set: A multidisciplinary team comprising leadership and over 30 scientists and engineers. Our technology and industry consultants understand IP, public grants, tax incentives, technology, the application processes as well as success factors in all situations covered by the law.
  • Companies served: We serve and connect small start-ups as well multinationals in Belgium but also all over the world thanks to our network of consultants.
  • Industry reach: In the past years Deloitte has been the trusted advisor of many (international) companies within different industries: Consumer and Industrial Products, Financial Services, Technology, Media & Telecommunications, Life Sciences & Health Care, Energy & Resources and Government & Public services.
  • Purpose: The team has built significant experience in identifying and securing government and EU support and is able to handle multi-million euro projects on a local and global scale.
  • A flexible approach: Understanding that no two companies, or circumstances, are alike, our flexible approach means that our services are tailored to our clients. Our use of market leading technology tools, coupled with our understanding of best practices gained from years of experience, we can assist in identifying and delivering the most suitable incentive opportunities.

How we can help?

Identifying and successfully applying for suitable incentives on qualifying R&D and sustainability activities can be challenging for businesses of all sizes. This coupled with the increasing demand for robust R&D processes, supporting technical reports, as well as risk of regulatory scrutiny, means that the administrative burden on claimants is growing.

  • Are you looking for alternatives to usual financing means like grant schemes proposed by countries, regions and other institutions (EU) across the world?
  • Are you investigating possibilities allowing your company not to downsize your annual investment plan while lowering costs?
  • Are you eager to develop new breakthrough solutions for your clients but the high initial investments or financial/IP uncertainties are holding you back?
  • Are you willing to make your company ready for a sustainable future?
  • Are you planning investments abroad?

If you are facing any of the above challenges or likely, our experienced team can assist in innovating new approaches and methodologies to enhance the way in which you manage, measure and apply the incentives available in Belgium and globally for your R&D, innovation or sustainability activities.

Why Deloitte?

Specific added value

The Deloitte Gi³ team are keenly aware that R&D performing companies have been continually improving their systems, controls and processes over many years. Our aim is to work closely with businesses to understand clearly where we can assist and, where appropriate, streamline, enhance and create efficiencies in the specific areas where we identify opportunities to do so.

Wider incentive opportunity

Businesses should continually review the opportunities for grants and government incentives, particularly RD&I (“Research Development and Innovation”) and sustainability funding. Our team are experienced in this area and can advise on regional, national and EU grants availability. Our grants consultants in Belgium help companies navigate the often complex funding landscape and help them win more funding calls. Moreover, we can assist you by making sure that all activities that should qualify for R&D, innovation or sustainability incentives are identified, analyzed and documented.

Analysis/discovery meeting

Gi³ is made up of scientific and technical staff who fit your technical teams profile, understand their language and have experience building reports and claims in your industry. Together with our tax technical and funding specific experience this means that we can meet you, and analyze with relative ease how and where we can add value to your specific incentive process.

Deloitte difference

Deloitte Gi³ understands the global dynamics that affect the funding of your innovation and investment strategy.

Game changing technology

Our technology based offerings allow our clients to have real time monitoring of the opportunities identified and the impact on their projects. Moreover, Deloitte developed an easy-to-use time tracking tool to register project hours to enhance the level of time reporting accuracy and help employers to provide tax authorities with the necessary evidence in case of a tax audit with respect to the R&D wage tax exemption.

Let’s talk

Meeting our experienced team will allow us to discuss your RD&I situation. Our global view, experienced team and best in class claim preparation approach may uncover significant areas where we can add value, efficiency, accuracy and robustness to your process.

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