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CbC Filings Essentials

CbC Filings Essentials is designed to help businesses visualize the potential impact of the OECD's Country-by-Country (CbC) Reporting requirements.


CDX can help businesses gauge organizational readiness to collect and aggregate the data needed under new CbC Reporting requirements.

Users can preview, through a variety of lenses, how their data might look to stakeholders, including tax authorities and the public, and identify challenges in data collection.

This exercise helps businesses to assess priorities and consider proactive steps needed before the CbC Reporting requirements come into effect.

The simple, intuitive user interface offers:

  • A flexible upload process to allow approved users to contribute data by geography, business unit, or other segment into a central repository.
  • An aggregated view of the data in the OECD format.
  • Simulation functionality with the ability to run top-down and bottom-up scenarios.
  • The ability to sort and filter results.

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About CbC Filings Essentials

The OECD's BEPS Action 13 envisages a requirement for Country-by-Country Reporting beginning with the 2016 filing year, applying to large businesses with annual consolidated group revenues above Euro 750 million. The OECD issued a template of the information they recommend that CbC reports include. More details CbC Filings Essentials was developed to help users visualize the data that may need to be reported for their organization under the OECD model. Available on the myInsight plaform, the tool provides standard visualizations and ratio analyses, including:

  • Effective Tax Rate (ETR) and Cash ETR
  • Percent of related revenues to total revenue
  • Number of employees versus:
  1. Unrelated party revenues
  2. Profit before tax
  3. Stated capital
  4. Tangible assets

Using CbC Filings Essentials

To obtain access to the tool, please contact your Deloitte Tax partner, principal, or director. If you do not have a Deloitte contact, please email Once you have completed our acceptance process, we will set up a User Account.

You will be:

  • Sent personal and confidential login details which will allow you to access the tool.
  • Asked to accept the Terms of Use as part of activating your User Account.

Once in the tool, you can:

  • Add financial data for your organization.
  • Designate another person in your organization or a third party provider to become a user so that they may complete certain data fields.
  • Run simulations showing what your reporting might look like if the OECD template is adopted as published, including top-down and bottom-up scenarios.
  • See key ratios and visualizations relevant to potential OECD CbC Reporting.

CbC Filings Essentials generated outputs will be general in nature and may be used only for informational purposes. They are not intended to be, not designed to be, and should not be, used for the purposes of decision making, making filings with relevant tax authorities, or for any other purpose. Such output (i) has not been validated or otherwise verified and (ii) do not constitute advice or professional services. It is recommended that you seek professional advice before making any decision or taking any action or refraining from taking any action with respect to the output.

Things you should know

  • The tool is intended for use by global organizations with annual consolidated group revenues above Euro 750 million.
  • If your organization is audited by Deloitte or is part of a group or affiliated with an entity that is audited by Deloitte, there may be regulatory restrictions relating to the provision of services to your company and we may not be able to provide you access to the tool in its current form. Please contact your Deloitte Tax partner for assistance.

Your use of CbC Filings Essentials is subject to the Terms of Use which you will be asked to accept. We will store all data provided on a Deloitte server with controlled access. We will use the personal information you provide on registration to:

  • Verify your identity each time you log into CbC Filings.
  • Inform any other person from your organization who requests access to the tool that you also have access.
  • Inform Deloitte engagement team(s) for your organization that you have requested access.

For more information

Contact your Deloitte Tax partner, principal, or director to learn more about CbC Filings Essentials. If you do not have a Deloitte contact, please email

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