Discover our Future of Trade series
In order to meet the demand across the global trade community for information, insight and consultation in these matters; Deloitte’s Global Trade Advisory practice has launched a series of breakfast webinars under the common theme ‘the future of trade’. Further to the success of the latter, Deloitte decided to continue the series with 6 newly planned sessions.
Each time, another hot topic will be concisely addressed by one of our subject matter experts, after which we invite participants to engage in an open conversation to listen to and learn from each other on what the future brings, allowing to face challenges, explore opportunities and provide answers together.
You are kindly invited to our webinar on ' EU Customs Evolutions: A Deep Dive into Modernized UCC'. On 17 may 2023 the EU Commission has published a Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a reform of the Union Customs Code aiming to “take the customs union of the EU to the next level”. This Proposal holds an integrated European approach to reinforce customs risk management and support effective controls by the Member States. It aims to enhance the uniform application of customs controls, and develop and implement a fully-fledged analysis and coordination capacity at EU level.
EU Customs Evolutions: A Deep Dive into Modernized UCC