The tax authorities released Circular Letter 2022/C/116 (Dutch | French) on 16 December 2022 reflecting their interpretation of the application of changes to tax assessment and investigation periods that were introduced as from 1 April 2022 by the laws of 28 March 2022, 5 July 2022, and 20 November 2022.
It is interesting to note that an erroneous wage withholding tax return leading to a (wrongfully applied) exemption from payment of withholding tax automatically triggers a 10% tax increase as from the first infringement made on or after 1 April 2022.
A self-evaluation of the applied wage withholding tax incentives remains highly advisable, as according to the tax authorities, 64% of audits performed in 2021 resulted in a correction being required (see our Tax Alert of 30 May 2022 for more information).