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Risk Advisory IT & Specialized Assurance helps organizations address regulator and marketplace demand to manage risk through IT Controls Advisory, Third Party Attestation and Specialized audit services.
Identify gaps and benchmark to optimise performance and make informed decisions
How do you identify and measure treasury risks in your organisation?
Does your Treasury function meet current requirements given the changing economic environment, technology and business strategy?
How do you measure Treasury performance?
Is your Treasury strategy suitable for current and future developments?
Is your Treasury organisation compliant with external regulations?
Whether Treasury is managed centrally or has distributed responsibilities, is there adequate visibility of group-wide risks and cash flows?
Do you have a control framework you can rely on to minimise the risk of fraud or error from high-value transactions?
How efficiently and effectively does your treasury function manage foreign currency, interest rate, liquidity, commodity, operational and credit risks?
Treasury transformation and Technology
From current state to best in class value-add treasury
Is the Treasury function supported by an adequate Treasury Management System (TMS) and structured in the most efficient and effective way?
What are the costs and benefits of system integration and straight-through processing?
Does the group benefit from an in-house bank or a payment factory?
Can technology help you automate processes and controls and thereby strengthen your control environment and reduce overhead?
Could your receivables and payables processes be optimised?
How many banks and bank accounts do you manage?
Has the role of treasury increased? Are you confident you have the necessary resources and skills in-house?
Are you measuring and communicating treasury performance?
How will your organisation move forward?
M&A, integration services and outsourcing
Identifying and managing financial risks is critical to a successful outcome
Did you allow enough time for detailed planning that goes into the deal before it is closed?
Have you assessed the underlying currency mix of debt?
Are you confident the correct level of funding will be available on day one and that you will not face issues such as trapped cash or lack of authority over bank accounts?
Do you find that your portfolio has fallen out of balance and is not correctly positioned for the new market conditions?
Following the merger, are the companies’ policies and procedures correctly aligned together?
Have you thought about informing customers of your new bank account details?
Do you need to establish a new treasury function?
Will you require someone to fulfil the treasurer role?