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OneTrust Implementation Support

How Deloitte can support your organisation to operationalize privacy practices with OneTrust

OneTrust Implementation Support

How Deloitte can support your organisation to operationalize privacy practices with OneTrust

Deloitte and OneTrust have formed an alliance to support clients to manage privacy risk effectively using OneTrust privacy management technology. This alliance offers a powerful blend of advisory, experience and technology to support organisations to operationalise their privacy programs specifically tailored to their particular needs.

Five ways to support your OneTrust implementation - WEBINAR

During this webinar that took place on 18 February 2021, we focused on how Deloitte can support the implementation of the OneTrust privacy management software. Also, a demo of the OneTrust platform was given to provide more insights in the functionalities and modules included in the software.

This webinar brought together an experienced panel of speakers who shared their valuable and hands-on insights with regards to implementation and configuration of the OneTrust software. 

What is OneTrust?

OneTrust is the #1 most widely used privacy, security and trust technology. More than 5,000 customers use OneTrust to build integrated programs that comply with the CCPA, GDPR, LGPD, PDPA, ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27701 and hundreds of the world’s privacy and security laws.

The OneTrust platform is powered by the OneTrust Athena™ AI and our offerings include: OneTrust Privacy Management Software, OneTrust PreferenceChoice™ consent and preference management, OneTrust Vendorpedia™ third-party risk management, OneTrust GRC integrated risk management, OneTrust Ethics compliance and ethics, OneTrust DataGuidance™ regulatory research, and OneTrust DataDiscovery™ AI-powered discovery and classification software.

What is the Alliance?

By forming an Alliance, Deloitte and OneTrust bring value by recognising opportunities and having a combined knowledge and understanding of privacy management. This allows for a holistic service offerings approach. Deloitte provides consultancy services supported by OneTrust’s privacy management software to deliver scalable and customised solutions to meet client needs.

Benefits of collaboration

The collaboration between Deloitte and OneTrust creates many benefits. Our combined knowledge and understanding of privacy management enables us to offer complimentary services to our clients. We can provide customized content, automate clients’ privacy management, reduce costs and minimize risks. Through our matching services, which combine the OneTrust platform with privacy expertise and knowledge from Deloitte, we can empower organisations to realize significant cost savings and drive operational efficiencies.

Deloitte has built up extensive experience in supporting the implementation of several OneTrust modules for clients in different industry and has built up in-depth familiarity with the tool, which allows us to work in an efficient manner and adapt quickly to the needs of our clients in the course of the implementation process.

Thanks to the identified alliance use cases, we have the possibility to react more effectively to market demands and deliver scalable solutions and offers that move within current trends. A few market trends spotted by Deloitte and OneTrust are the need for organisations to remain up to date with privacy across the world and the need for more automation. By working together and sharing experiences, both Deloitte and OneTrust will naturally innovate faster, which will drive growth in the existing suite of OneTrust products and services offered by Deloitte in all industries and sectors.

How Deloitte can assist your OneTrust implementation?

Deloitte can assist with managing the implementation and embedment of OneTrust in your organisation in many different ways, not only by providing actual implementation support, including for example integration with other systems and applications and leveraging the automation possibilities offered by OneTrust, but also by performing a post-implementation “legal check” once the implementation of OneTrust’s software has been finalised. We can support organisations that are already familiar with the tool and implemented one or more OneTrust modules in their environment, as well as organisations who wish to start the implementation of their first OneTrust module right now. Thanks to our extensive experience in implementing OneTrust for organisations in different industries, we can share best practices and practical experience from prior implementation engagements.

Implementation support

Deloitte can support your organisation by selecting the appropriate modules that could help to increase the maturity of your privacy practices. Next to this, we can also support to define use cases for the OneTrust modules tailored to your environment, assist the actual integration of the tool into your day-to-day privacy operations, design tailored workflows, provide training and awareness of the OneTrust tool to key stakeholders, and create customized practical guidance for your organisation.

Integration and automation

OneTrust provides multiple options for integration of the tool with other systems and applications that are already deployed in your organisation. By implementing these integration options, data remains in your current organisational repositories and the privacy solutions offered by OneTrust integrate with your existing business processes and platforms. Deloitte can support you to identify which systems and applications can be integrated with the OneTrust tool. Next to this, OneTrust also provides many possibilities to automate your privacy processes, for example the review of records in the data inventories and performance of data protection impact assessments (DPIAs). Deloitte can assist your organisation to identify these automation possibilities in OneTrust and leverage them to your benefit.

Post-implementation “compliance check”

Once the implementation of the OneTrust modules has been finalised, Deloitte legal profiles can support your organisation to review the existing implementation of OneTrust modules and advise how to fine-tune and optimise the implementation in accordance applicable data protection legislation, relevant to your organisation.