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Internal Audit & Business Operations

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Global Risk Advisory helps organisations transform internal audit functions to achieve a high level of performance through a full range of outsourcing, co-sourcing, and technology and data analytics services.

Internal Control Assurance

Organisations depend on information systems to provide complete, accurate and valid data, but these systems may be the source of considerable risk if not well deployed, monitored and controlled. Our Controls Assurance services focus on the identification and mitigation of risks affecting internal systems, business processes, projects, applications, data and third parties.

Implementing checks and balances for projects, work processes, computer applications and the underlying systems and third parties is one way to mitigate risks. We leverage frameworks and standards in conjunction with Deloitte proprietary tools to identify control weaknesses or gaps, and to make implementable recommendations.

With increased IT corporate governance concerns, security threats, data quality issues and privacy legislation, today, more than ever, organisations need to ensure the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information, along with the underlying systems.

People & Process Risk Excellence

Changes in organisations are no longer exceptions but are becoming an inherent and essential part of running a successful business in a constantly changing world. More and more, organisations have to reorganise themselves in a very short time to handle and anticipate on changes while continuing achieving results. Unfortunately, many teams and organisations are struggling due to the large variety of changes and the speed at which they occur.

Changing workplace needs as a result of the COVID pandemic, finding the right balance between people and performance as a necessary focus to deal with the war for talent, more demanding customers due to globalization and an increased number of suppliers, working more efficiently and effectively as part of a more cost-conscious business model in economically uncertain times are just a few examples of changes and challenges that appear on the strategic agenda of organisations.

Deloitte’s People & Process Risk Excellence team assists organisations in auditing their current ways of working and in finding solutions to address their challenges by leveraging our knowledge and expertise in operational excellence, change management workplace services.

How can we help?

Our People & Process Risk Excellence team helps clients to ‘Excellerate’ their business via proven expertise in:

  • Operational excellence: This offering aims to support clients with assessing the maturity of their ways of working, improving the way people work (together), and increasing effectiveness and efficiency in teams and organisations using lean tools and methodologies. We focus on how to accelerate the growth of existing teams and make them excel (‘excellerate’ as we like to call it), as well as on the set-up of new teams and organisations.
  • Change Management, culture change and coaching: Depending on the change topic on hand, we audit, assess, advise and provide hands-on support to clients with:
  1. change management and guiding people, teams and organisations through changes
  2. cultural change and changing ways of working
  3. coaching teams and / or employees in order to deal with issues and to unleash their full potential

Workplace services and facility management: We aim to build a futureproof and sustainable work environment facilitating the work and collaboration needs of our clients, in line with market trends and the overall organisation’s strategy and culture. We audit, advise, design, implement and deploy workplace and facility specific solutions and digital tools, as well as improve processes to maximize efficiencies.

Within our Supply Chain Control practice we guide and support our clients in transforming their supply chain departments into world-class performing departments. We help clients to get in control of their operational and financial processes, identify pitfalls before they become problems, weigh the pros and the cons, and connect the dots so that our clients can make informed, intelligent and insightful decisions to maximize their supply chain opportunities. We have expertise and experience across different industries: Life Science, FMCG, ER&I, private, …

How can we help?

We work together with clients to improve the control and efficiency of their supply chain, control their stock levels and optimize their processes. We identify our clients’ day-to-day challenges and assist our clients with innovative and pragmatic solutions. We tackle projects on advisory base or temporary staffing approach:

  • Operational advise in the fields of warehouse management, inventorycontrol, transport planning, logistics and Sales & Operations Planning in traditional businesses set-ups and e-commerce.
  • Creating insights, set-up and manage logistics and warehousing processes and systems.
  • Monitor and measure our clients supply chain performance by setting up/monitor the right KPI’s.
  • Operational project support in ERP implementations, Sales & Operations Planning process set-up, E2E Supply Chain Improvements and Operational Excellence.
  • Temporary staffing of different key supply chain roles such as Supply Chain Manager, Sales & Operations Planning Manager, Product Life Cycle Manager, Demand/Supply/Production Planner, Inventory Controller, …

Our team exists of supply chain experts with strong Operational and Advisory experience in order to have the best of both worlds in providing high quality Supply Chain Support.

Core procurement

The past few years have brought fundamental changes in the role of the procurement function in many companies. However, organisations still face challenges in evolving beyond a transactional role because purchasers’ activities are often misaligned with company strategy. Often viewed as purely a “cost out” or “cost containment” function in the past, expected to deliver goods on time and at a low price, procurement has now matured significantly in many organisations and has become a strategic leader and advocate for greater operational effectiveness.

How can we help?

Deloitte’s Sourcing and Procurement practice is differentiated by our executable mindset, focus, and strategy capabilities — with emphasis on executable. We excel at strategies that are deliverable, delivered through a combination of strong category experience, broad-based knowledge and skills, and geographical reach around the world. We optimize end-to-end procurement processes such as:

  • Category Management & Strategy
  • Category and Spend Analysis
  • Cost Reduction Assessment
  • Supplier & Contract Management
  • TCO & Kraljic Assessment
  • Negotiation & Contracting Support
  • Supplier Audits
  • Strategy and Organisation
  • Maturity Analysis
  • Team Assessment and Training
  • Process Mapping & Redesign
  • Sourcing & Category Management
  • Technology Assessment
  • Temporary Support in Procurement
Public procurement

Public legislation is continuously changing, but also our society and digitalization is  currently changing and evolving at a fast pace. This makes it more than ever important to have your public procurement processes on point and up to date to keep up with our constant evolving surroundings. Optimize and innovate your public procurement process and be sure your organisation is prepared for what the future has to bring.

How can we help?

You can count on us for temporary support, co-creation or advice. If you need some temporary support you can strengthen your procurement team with a specialist buyer who will take care of the placement and execution of the procurement procedure. Through co-creation we form a partnership with you to build together the road to more future proof success; using all our in-house knowledge to upgrade the operation of your procurement. We can also provide an advisory service to your organisation. Both project-based or ad hoc. Those can be advises concerning the optimalization of your procurement organisation, the entire process of a public tender, your procurement procedures and processes or supporting systems. Complementary different kinds of trainings and seminaries can be foreseen. 
All this is executed by our multidisciplinary team with extensive knowledge of public procurement at your disposal. Within our team there is a matrix structure of people more specialized in certain specific content or sectors, being sure we can provide the team and knowledge you need. We all share the same interest in the public sector and public procurement and legislation is the core business of what we do from day to day. This leads among other things to a wide technological knowledge, being up to date with all kinds of procurement software (3P etc.) and developments in the digitalization of the public procurement processes (e-procurement etc.). Additionally we are all certified-to-serve, meaning we succeeded in-house examination of Deloitte concerning public tendering, ensuring we have the needed knowledge. Next to this, we can always count on the strength of a legal team for more complex legal questions, second opinions or legal assistance.

This makes our team the experts you need to support in all your (future) challenges. 

Innovative procurement

For a lot of organisations, this fast changing environment with its digitalization, scarcity of resources, circularity and focus on sustainable procurement requires a continuous process of adapting to give an answer to these challenges. It is more and more important to have an “agile procurement’ organisation which means that your procurement policies and processes should be able to rapidly transform to find suitable experts on the market to solve a diversity of problems. Especially in a public context, with the public procurement legislation this is challenging.

How can we help?

We advise on different innovative sourcing  methodologies (e.g. Best Value, innovation partnership, Pre commercial contracting) and using the latest methodologies such as Design thinking to shape the needs of the customer. We deliver specialized category knowledge for the sourcing of an innovative product/service or process (e.g. Digitalization, social innovation, IT sourcing, AI sourcing toolkit). We are happy to be your experienced advisor on innovation within the procurement process organisation (e.g. Technology AI to replace transactional activities). For all of this we can leverage on different credentials and a certified team.