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AI and RPA risk services

Managing artificial intelligence and robotics process automation risks is essential to accelerate your Digital Transformation

Automation, such as RPA and AI-based decision making, is becoming widespread in organisations to support their growth and cost optimisation strategies.

Legacy infrastructure and fragmented operating environments can limit the benefits that organisations may be seeking. Additionally, unintended consequences, including the obsolescence of existing controls, complexity in operations, and the possibility of cascading errors, become top areas of concern.

Automation inherently increases the number risks that need to be managed within an organisation:

  • Technology risk: Small changes in source systems could require cascading change management across automation tools. Built-in error handling capabilities and alert mechanisms become increasingly important.
  • People risk: Employees might not always have the necessary skills yet to work with automation tools and processes.
  • Operational risk: The interaction between bots and humans becomes more complex, as algorithms, access and licensing need to be managed.
  • Continuity risk: Support processes need to be updated to ensure continuity of the business when automated processes fail or produce incorrect outcomes.
  • Strategic risk: Automation risks need to be managed and the governance model needs to be updated. The strategy and internal control framework have to be aligned with this governance model.
  • Cyber risk: Damage from cyber incidents could increase as hackers might gain access to automated systems or acquire large amounts of data.
  • Regulatory risk: Compliance should be ensured as automation will become increasingly more regulated.
  • Financial risk: The cost of errors or bias within automation tools should be monitored.

The Deloitte AI and RPA risk services help you manage these risks. We use a 4-step approach to guide you through this process:

  • Readiness assessment: We assess the current and desired levels of automation within the organisation. We  perform a risk and gap assessment to establish the as-is automation maturity level, and use this as input for the automation strategy.
  • AI/RPA risk strategy: We use comparative risk studies in combination with the risks and opportunities identified during the readiness assessment to develop your automation strategy.
  • Process development: Based on the automation strategy we help you setting up the necessary governance models. We help define the risk & control framework and support in identifying automation program and project investments that will create added value.
  • Audit: Once the processed have been developed and implemented, we help you gain assurance over the implemented IT and business cycle controls, and formulate recommendations to improve your control framework.

With the aiStudio, we enable you to harvest your data and gain valuable insights to your overall markets, individual customers and own operations. Knowledge is power, and knowledge delivered quickly, even more so.

This gives you an edge over the competition, improving performance and opening up new markets. The aiStudio builds solutions based on cutting-edge machine learning technologies. With the focus mostly on Risk Management applications, the aiStudio delivers applications aiming to cut cost, improve quality, and speed operations. 

We understand that an automation journey, whether you are just starting or have implemented a solution, comes with its own unique opportunities and challenges, and we are able to provide an array of services, which help manage the risks throughout this lifecycle.

Additionally, our size allows us to assemble industry expertise and multidisciplinary teams of professionals with different fields of expertise and swiftly adapt our team to changing needs.

For more information about our risk advisory services, please contact us below.