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Global Pharma Pricing Trends

What are the top trends impacting pharma pricing?

How are pharma companies monitoring trends and dealing with uncertainties affecting the pricing landscape and the pharma industry overall?

Health ecosystems around the world are evolving, with much of the shifts centered around key themes of cost pressures, value-centric and outcome-centric care principles, lowering patient out-of-pocket, increased discounting and the entrants of high-value curatives.

These shifts have strong undertones within societal, technological, economic, environmental and political dimensions with implications for pharma pricing. This study was aimed at understanding how pharmaceutical companies approach and prioritise trends, assess their impact in terms of pricing and effect critical pricing strategy and policy changes.

Our analysis identified 4 organisational archetypes based on how pharma are dealing with pricing trends. In addition, we have laid out seven ‘no-regret’ moves for pharma organisations to better position themselves for the future.

Global Pharma Pricing Trends

What are the top trends impacting pharma pricing? How are pharma companies monitoring trends and dealing with uncertainties affecting the pricing landscape and the pharma industry overall?