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Deloitte named the leader in Analytics IT Consulting by Kennedy

Press Release

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) is pleased to announce that Kennedy has named Deloitte the leader in Analytics IT Consulting in their IT Consulting: Analytics 2014 report.

The report focuses on the opportunities and challenges for buyers and sellers of analytics IT consulting services, with analysis of market trends, client spending forecasts, and the provider landscape.

As defined in the report, “Analytics is the use of data, statistical modeling science and algorithms to reliably generate insights, predict outcomes, simulate scenarios and optimize decisions. Analytics IT consulting includes design planning and assessment services to support the use of analytics in functional and enterprise-wide decision making.”

Kennedy notes that, “Deloitte’s analytics portfolio, including IT consulting, is robust, mature, deep and broad, with a special focus on ensuring it can address analytics needs across all client business functions for each industry.”

The report also recognizes Deloitte for its endorsement of “client interaction and discovery at its HIVE (Highly Immersive Visual Environment) labs, which strengthens its capabilities in analytics IT consulting through analytics visualization.”

Other highlights from the report are:

  • “Deloitte’s broad analytics offerings range from high-level strategy sessions to solutions implementations managed services and managed hosting. Its approach to each analytics engagement is from the business issue down – articulating the problem and then developing a solution, rather than starting with IT and moving up.”
  • “Deloitte seamlessly utilizes analytics experts across its core groups (Audit & ERS, Consulting, FAS, Tax) to ensure analytics is addressed fully for a client.”
  • “Deloitte has a robust analytics portfolio that is organized clearly and is both broad and deep. The firm has strong analytics visualization capabilities.”“Deloitte has displayed a strong commitment to building and enhancing its analytics capabilities. Deloitte has Deloitte Greenhouses (centers for analytics visualization; innovation, targeted and strategy sessions) across the globe. Each Greenhouse has HIVE capabilities, which are used during client workshops and have large touch screens for clients to explore analytics assessments through visualization and to illustrate how to leverage tools and techniques.”
  • Deloitte endorses client interaction and discovery at its HIVE labs, which strengthens its capabilities in analytics IT consulting through analytics visualization.”
  • “Deloitte’s HIVE labs enhance the analytics IT consulting experience, giving clients the opportunity to experiment with different scenarios to see how analytics would work for them. Having this proof of concept in an interactive and noncommittal environment puts clients at ease about moving forward with analytics, based on an improved understanding of what it all means.”

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