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Agile Data Quality Framework

Assessing data health & risks

Deloitte Belgium has developed a data quality framework specifically designed to assess the data risks and data health. The framework facilitates analysis and provides insights into the root causes of poor data quality. It also offers appropriate remediation recommendations to enhance data standardization activities.

Data Quality is now more important than ever before. According to Gartner (2011), poor data quality is the primary reason why 40% of all business initiatives fail to achieve their targeted benefits.

As a response, Deloitte Belgium has developed a data quality framework specifically designed to assess the data risks and data health. The framework facilitates analysis and provides insights into the root causes of poor data quality. It also offers appropriate remediation recommendations to enhance data standardization activities.

Data quality monitoring is performed on an ongoing basis to ensure sustainable data quality. The framework is a continuing process and recognizes the strategic and tactical goals of an enterprise. Moreover, it is designed to enable jumpstarting business initiatives ranging from a standard upgrade to full business transformation initiatives.

Deloitte Belgium has several references of agile projects where a first data quality assessment with a full working dashboard was set up in less than two weeks. 

Data Quality Dashboard Accelerator

What is it?

A "Plug and Play" generic Data Quality Dashboard with built-in rules

Designed to rapidly assess data health and risks, including business economic impact of poor data (optional)

Securing business transformation initiatives like data migration, application transformations (SAP, SFDC, Oracle,..), analytics programs...

A catalyst to initiate a Data Quality and Governance program

When should you use this accelerator?

  • You want to have a value impact assessment of data quality issues
  • You are embarking a data migration project to assess upfront what the complexity of a migration will be
  • Insights are required in the quality of data without launching a full Data Quality program
  • You need a visualization of the impact of cleansing activities
  • You want to set foundations of a data quality program

The solution uses SAS Data Quality as its engine

It can be visualized in any standard dashboarding solution
(SAS Visual Analytics, Tableau, Qlik, …)

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