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The Insight Economy

Big data matters - except when it doesn't

If you are trying to determine whether big data is a big distraction or if it should be a cornerstone of your strategy, this guide is for you. Find out what happens when you crack big data.


If you’re ready to skip past the paradigm-shifting, game-changing clichés about big data and get to the stuff that matters – how it can help you improve what you’re doing today - this guide is for you.

For a lot of executives, big data is the land of false promises and lost dreams – another overhyped trend in a long line of trends-that-weren’t. There’s definitely enough hype to give anyone a headache. Some say it’s a key to competitive advantage. Some worry there could be more risk than reward. And some believe big data can be tackled simply by buying new hardware and software.

This guide was developed to help business leaders sift through the swirl of competitive perspectives.

For some companies, big data may be an important or even central component of their strategy. For others it could be an expensive distraction. Where your company may fall on that continuum is a function of how your company answers the following questions:

  • What is big data – and why you should care
  • How big is enough?
  • What are the performance payoffs?
  • What are our options for action? 

This guide was designed to help you understand where big data fits into your strategy.

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