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Prototype & Design

Deloitte’s IoT Prototype & Design service brings IoT projects to life in very early stages of conception. Simple and complex, scalable architectures are designed and implemented to give tangible substance to decision making, design choices, benefit evaluation and more.

Our “Think Big. Start Small. Scale Fast.” Approach builds a prototype or Proof of Value into each IoT project as soon as possible (often in parallel with strategy creation). This allows us to test our ideas, see results and is a key factor in developing momentum and funding to fuel scaling of the initiative to future phases.

Additionally, our experience has allowed us to develop important IoT accelerators, templates, procedures and design principles that can be applied to a variety of use cases. These tools allow rapid development, sturdy design, a flexible approach and many more key points to make designing custom applications a success. Our POV projects leverage agile methodology, include all essential elements of the end-to-end technology architecture as well as key business KPI's to measure results.

Our practice is divided into four co-operating blocks which allow us to develop more specific industry related expertise and accelerate our client’s progress. These blocks are:

  • Connected Manufacturing
  • Connected Logistics and Distribution and Connected Mobility
  • Connected Infrastructure (including utilities)
  • Connected Health

The team contains a blend of different international profiles with varied professional and educational backgrounds. More functional profiles bring project management, shop floor experience and industrial sector/process experience. Technical profiles are platform certified and bring all around development and feasibility expertise to solution design.

While our experience covers a variety of different platforms and IoT solutions, our team focuses on key partnerships with some of the main platform providers. These providers offer well balanced, competitive, complete and secure solutions which we can tailor to the majority of industry needs.

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