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Unlocking the cloud operating model

Building the enterprise of the future

Cloud is a fundamental technology approach for organisations to create efficiencies, innovate and develop new products, services or businesses. Tapping into the power of cloud to deliver new products or services requires rewiring the operating model.

How can we scale up our business model faster? Why does our IT infrastructure have so little flexibility? Why are my business peers not making full use of the renewed technology landscape to innovate more and faster? You might have heard these questions come up in CXO conversations.

We live in a fast-moving environment and organisations are facing important challenges, including sustainability and digitisation. Many industries have or are being disrupted and the pandemic has made the world shift digital gears at an unprecedented pace.

Cloud is a fundamental technology approach for organisations to create efficiencies, innovate and develop new products, services or businesses. Understanding the technology and having the team in place that can build on these platforms is important. Yet to make the most of the cloud investments, a more profound transformation is needed rewiring the organisation at a broader scale, involving product lines, technology and supporting functions.

This point of view outlines why a review and rewiring of the operating model is required, what it entails, and how you and your organisation can get started.

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