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2024 Global Human Capital Trends

Thriving beyond boundaries: Human performance in a boundaryless world

Deloitte’s 2025 Global Human Capital Trends Survey is live!

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Belgian insights of the 2024 Human Capital Trends Report
Press release 2024 Human Capital Trends


Human performance in a boundaryless world


The 2024 Human Capital Trends report, Thriving beyond boundaries: Human performance in a boundaryless world, reveals that a focus on the human factor is emerging as the bridge between knowing what shifts are shaping the future of work and doing things to make real progress toward putting them into action. The aim is to create both positive business and human outcomes.

According to both Belgian leaders and workers, increasing trust among employees is the top priority for organisational success. Human sustainability was ranked as the second highest priority, with 19% of Belgian organisations indicating that they excel at this criterion.

They already understand that focusing on human performance is key to building an organisation that can thrive today and tomorrow. Now they have to close the gap between knowing and doing, letting go of the old to embrace the new. 

How can Belgian businesses achieve positive business and human outcomes? 


The strategic prioritisation of human sustainability—the degree to which an organisation creates value for its people, leaving them with greater wellbeing and employability—is essential for Belgian organisations.

Three quarters of Belgian leaders (75%) say their organisation is at least focusing on addressing key challenges related to human sustainability and close to half of them (49%) even report making real progress. Yet, a gap remains between their perspective and workers' experiences, opening up an opportunity for Belgian leaders to lead the charge, fostering both business and societal value.

Download the report and press release to gain insights into the main findings for the Belgian market, and discover the opportunities and challenges facing Belgian organisations. 

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