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Careers in Audit, Accounting & Controlling

If you treat numbers as a strategic tool to unlocking hidden opportunities, join us to put your analytical and advisory skills to good use.

Your career at Deloitte


You meticulously explore the ins and outs of the financials of an organisation because you know it is a solid predictor of business success. You’re able to dive deep into the details without getting caught up in the weeds. Bring your talent of translating numbers into a language that clients understand and become a trusted advisor to your clients.

What impact can you make in Audit, Accounting & Controlling?

Whether you want to take on the role of auditor or risk advisory controller, finance and business or finance strategy controller, together with us you will enjoy many unexpected moments. No two days are the same. The work spans a spectrum of projects, clients, and industries from automotive to technology to big pharma to public institutions and privately-owned companies.

What’s more, you’ll have the opportunity to work for a big multinational from our Gateway office or for SMEs from one of our local offices spread across the country to ensure a hands-on approach with our clients.

Why Deloitte is your number one choice?

Because of our global presence, we have a large network across industries, service lines, and offices. This means you’ll get the rare opportunity to work at top-level clients and have a close-up view on how companies run from the inside out—this alone is worth its weight in gold in terms of on-the-job training and fast-tracking your career.

In addition, our accountants and advisors are influential leaders and specialists so the knowledge sharing is second to none. Working collaboratively with many people across different specialisms, an extensive training curriculum, and our own Deloitte University are assets you won’t find anywhere else.

Ready to create value beyond the numbers?

Every day is different, but our commitment to making an impact never changes.

Choose your impact

With your interest in accounting and controlling and our endless opportunities, we are the perfect match. Join one of our dynamic teams to be challenged, keep learning, and make an impact for a wide range of organisations in different industries.

Where do you fit?

  • Accounting, compliance and reporting
    You will take on the role of an external CFO for SMEs, guaranteeing the organisations a high-quality multidisciplinary approach.

  • Controlling
    As a controlling expert, you will help bring value to organisations by aligning finance and business, identifying and managing risks, and calculating opportunities to make a market.

  • Financial resources outsourcing
    Join our Financial Resources Outsourcing team and you will provide different services to ensure made-to-measure solutions for our clients.

Apply now

Audit & Assurance is about much more than just the numbers. It’s about attesting to accomplishments and challenges, and helping to assure strong foundations for future aspirations. We illuminate the what, how, and why of change so we’re always ready to act ahead.

Where do you fit?

  • Audit & Assurance
    As an auditor at Deloitte, you will not only be a vital link in the financial reporting chain but also a trusted advisor for your clients.

  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
    You will assist your clients with specific IFRS services like complex accounting, compliance, and guidance.

  • International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) & European Public Sector Accounting Standards (EPSAS)
    Join our Brussels IPSAS Centre of Excellence and you will provide IPSAS and EPSAS financial reporting and complex accounting advisory services.

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