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Michaël De Roeck

Senior Manager, Risk Advisory

Michaël has over 15 years of experience in various aspects of IT security, starting from operational experience to moving into security consulting and managing large scale projects. Over the course of his career he has gained expertise in a various domains, such as Identity & Access Management, Security Architecture, Security Monitoring, Incident Response and Vulnerability Management.

Michaël is leading the Detect & Respond capability within the Belgian Cyber team, where he helps clients cross Industry meet their security objectives by leveraging the expertise and scale of the Deloitte Security Operations Center based in Madrid. He is considered an expert on Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Threat Intelligence, Incident Response and Managed Detection & Response services offered by our SOC and local team of experts. These services help our clients to effectively and efficiently Detect & Respond to cyber threats occurring around the clock.

Next to our Cyber Operate Services, Michaël also supports clients in building or improving their SOC by providing SOC analysts and experts to temporarily or permanently uplift their SOC capabilities and/or capacity. In addition he supports organizations by assessing and improving their ability to detect new threats and assess the people, processes  and technologies within their SOC.