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The Future of Advertising in Belgium

Uncovering the trends and the opportunities

Developed jointly with the United Brand Association (UBA), The Future of Advertising in Belgium investigates the critical path forward for the sector, uncovering areas where change is occurring and identifying opportunities for regional players to play a leading role in the future of the industry.

There are three disruptive trends changing the face of Belgian advertising:
Data-driven advertising:

  • Data-driven advertising: Data is becoming increasingly important. The amount of data available is increasing exponentially, and the way that companies leverage that data is changing.
  • Audience touchpoints: Media fragmentation, in part due to technology, is increasing the complexity of the advertising landscape. However, there are alternative touchpoints which offer promising opportunities.
  • Advertising content: Advertising needs to reflect societal issues in a nuanced way, both in the content itself and in the production process. This includes diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) as well as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) topics.


For the industry to stay ahead of these trends, we have identified three transversal themes, which cut across the value chain, for the ecosystem to address:

  • Workforce and leadership skills: The Belgian advertising ecosystem is encountering significant challenges in attracting and retaining the right talent. The ecosystem must focus on improving data skills, creativity and diversity—both within its workforce and leadership—to overcome this hurdle.
  • Advertising campaign strategies: Advertising campaign strategies must balance short-term performance marketing against brand building to safeguard long-term value.
  • Market structure and internal organisation: As international players take a growing share of the digital advertising market over the coming years, the Belgian industry will need to reinvent itself to ensure that local players remain relevant. 

This whitepaper builds on previous analysis carried out by Deloitte which envisages scenarios for the future of advertising globally and offers guidance on how the industry can successfully evolve.

We invite you to read The Future of Advertising in Belgium to learn more.
The Future of Advertising in Belgium Download the report (EN)

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