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Contributing to a safe, secure and just Europe

Partnering with the European Union

Strong borders and robust judicial cooperation linking the different national legal systems are at the core of the European Commission’s priority to ensure the security of European citizens and visitors from abroad.    

With increasingly sophisticated and unpredictable threats, our work in this area is linked to public concerns over security, privacy and overall risk in the European Union, covering support for cooperation between governments and improved services such as a smooth and secure visa process.

For many years, we have been working with border management agencies, law enforcement, and judicial bodies bringing our experience to the European Union institutions and EU agencies.

A crucial element to this is judicial cooperation, in which Deloitte supports the EU by linking the different national legal systems which fosters a European area of justice. Our work on borders and migration has been instrumental in contributing to a safe and secure Europe. Here is how.

"The modernisation of the EU’s immigration system and the cooperation with partner countries are one of the priorities for the EU Member States in the 2020s."

                                                                                                                  Hans Verheggen

Digital transformation of the Schengen visa process

Deloitte is supporting the European Commission and the Member States in moving toward a world-class digital Schengen visa service which will facilitate the visa application process for travellers and visa officers. By means of a digital service, applicants will experience a fully tailored process, shorter waiting times, and overall less manual work. With a digital visa, travellers no longer have to travel to pick up a physical document, while having increased reliability using fingerprint technology. Read here the recent news on the agreement on upgrading the Visa Information System. 

EU publication
Study on the feasibility and implications of options to digitalise visa processing
Read the study 


Achieving interoperability between EU border systems 

Deloitte is supporting measures that contribute to a higher level of security as outlined by the interoperability regulation (2019/817-8). This regulation aims to ensure the accurate identification of persons and combat identity fraud by fully leveraging the information stored in European Union databases. Deloitte supported this objective by developing an overall long-term view on the technology architecture options, and by identifying the impacts on both existing and future border information systems.

EU publication
Elaboration of a Future Architecture for Interoperable IT Systems at eu-LISA
Read the study 


Improving information exchange under the Prüm decisions

Deloitte is supporting cross-border law enforcement cooperation by helping the European Commission improve the data exchange mechanisms for biometric and vehicle information in Europe, as defined under the Prüm Decisions. These Decisions are considered by law enforcement authorities to be a major pillar in the context of cross-border collaboration, especially when investigating criminal offences and combating terrorism. Deloitte helped the Commission identify a broad set of improvement opportunities to address challenges in the areas of automated data exchange and its follow-up procedures, to identify new data categories for automated exchange as well as a new interoperable IT architecture.

EU publication
Study on the feasibility of improving information exchange under the Prüm decisions
Read the study 

Securing Europe using Artificial Intelligence for borders, migration and security

Deloitte is contributing to shaping the future of borders, migration and security, leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI). By identifying a number of AI use cases and transforming them into a programme of work for the Commission, Deloitte is helping to foster the adoption of AI and supporting the transformation towards a stronger digital Europe.

EU publication
Opportunities and challenges for the use of artificial intelligence in border control, migration and security
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Cross-Border Digital Criminal Justice within Europe

The evolving security landscape, the fast pace of technological developments and the increasingly international nature of crime require an upgrade of the tools for information exchange and cooperation available to prosecutors across the EU. Upon adoption, the solutions we defined  in this report will help judicial authorities at European, national and regional level cooperate and exchange information in a more digital, efficient and secure manner.

EU publication
Cross-border digital criminal justice
Read the study 

Automating the Transposition Analysis of Directives using Artificial Intelligence

Deloitte leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) to support the European Commission in automating the compliance assessment EU Directives that member states must transpose into national legislation. By means of a proof-of-concept Deloitte demonstrated that AI can automate and accelerate the task of verifying whether EU Directives have been transposed accurately. The proof-of-concept runs on Deloitte’s proprietary solution called RegExplorer ( that allows comparing European and national legislation using natural language processing.

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