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Public Sector - European Institutions

Our multilingual team of professionals offers high-quality policy services to the EU Institutions, in particular the European Commission, in a wide range of domains. We have more than 20 years of experience in carrying out successful assignments and in delivering value at the different stages of the policy process to EU bodies and institutions (including EU agencies and offices, the Committee of the Regions, etc.). Our creative and experienced team brings deep and topical policy knowledge, professional methodological tools and approaches to assignments, together with extensive experience in programme/project management. Our Policy offering delivers a wide range of services, which fulfil policy-makers’ needs at all stages of the policy life cycle (preparation, adoption, implementation and application). We always operate in accordance with the principles laid down in the European Commission’s Better Regulation Strategy: comprehensiveness, proportionality, independence, transparency and evidence-based analysis.

Our services

  • Analysis/strategic studies: we provide foresight analysis, strategic insights, and assist decision makers in the early identification of policy solutions to specific challenges and issues.
  • Feasibility studies: we deliver assessments of the feasibility, practicality and credibility of a proposed project or policy option at the European level taking into account legal, economic, societal, political and technological factors.
  • Policy design: we assist the European public sector in originating and developing a policy or programme, and designing organisational approaches to its implementation.
  • Impact assessments: we provide evidence and analysis to the European Commission for the assessment of, amongst others, social, economic, environmental and global impact of future legislative and non-legislative initiatives.
  • Ex-ante evaluation: we collect information and carry out analyses to define objectives for policy intervention and develop performance indicators to enable monitoring progress during the implementation phase.
  • Fitness check: we assist the European Commission in examining how different policy measures have contributed to the achievement of an overarching EU objective or goal.
  • Technical assistance: we help the European Commission in delivering its policies and achieving the corresponding general, specific and operational objectives.
  • Mid-term evaluation and monitoring: we collect information on the performance of a certain measure during its implementation and we provide an overview of lessons learnt to allow policy makers determine improvements based on evidence.
  • Ex-post evaluation: we deliver well-grounded overall analysis of the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of EU interventions.
  • Sustainability studies: we assist the European Commission in examining the financial and overall sustainability of policy measures and policy outputs.

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