Energy Utility
As a major player in its state’s energy grid, the client’s operations touch multiple stakeholders across a wide geographic area. Since 2012, we have worked with this client to conduct annual surveys and biannually conduct 100 in-depth interviews to establish their social licence to operate and identify opportunities to build trust and collaboration.
Our methodology and measurement tool helps identify the most influential stakeholders for the client, and the issues that are important to them. Our work has helped the client to increase its social licence to operate – a barometer of trust in the organisation – over the years and to address stakeholder concerns at an early stage before they become significant challenges.
Telecommunications Company
The client wished to undertake a detailed assessment to identify more granular human rights risk within its supply chain and develop a supplier engagement tool for use in remediation.
We deployed our Supplier Risk Intelligence (SRI) tool to assess ~670 suppliers believed to be potentially high risk. The SRI used the client’s supplier information to identify any negative sentiment in published media articles in 16 languages around the world, using a list of 24 human rights risks agreed with the client. The analysis used negative sentiment, location risk and sub-category risk to prioritise suppliers for remediation activity.
We then developed a questionnaire, aligned to the client’s supplier code of conduct, for the client to hold initial discussions with its suppliers.