With your network touching employees, customers, and devices, knowing who and what you’re exchanging data with is paramount.
It’s no surprise that Identity continues to be the leading attack vector for cyber criminals, with many organized crime groups exploiting weaknesses in consumer and enterprise Identity controls. Effective Identity access and governance is vital for presenting a compelling first contact point to your customers protecting sensitive data, enabling secure transaction, and transforming business processes.
Deloitte’s strong relationships with leading Identity technology vendors enables us to focus on continuous training and co-development, enabling you to go to market faster and with reduced risk.
Deloitte Cyber can advise, implement, and operate a broad suite of Identity services with licensing and hosting terms built in, so your team can focus on strategic business objectives rather than managing large complex identity environments.
Deloitte Cyber’s experience across all Identity management domains can help clients sustain, transform and evolve their identity capabilities. This includes: