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Regulatory Strategy Insights

Results of the financial services industry regulatory strategy survey

In the four years since the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry (the FS Royal Commission), Australian financial services organisations have faced increased regulatory focus, greater frequency of regulator interactions and engagement and intensified reporting requirements. Part of this includes an increased focus in the last two years on how organisations have developed strategies to both proactively and reactively manage regulatory risk, demands and priorities.

Deloitte conducted a benchmarking survey within the Australian financial services industry across the following sectors:

  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Superannuation
  • Wealth management/diversified financial. 

The purpose of this survey was to shed light on current regulatory strategy and engagement practices across a sample of regulated Australian financial services organisations. This report outlines our key insights from the regulatory strategy survey, and provides readers with six key considerations to help develop and maintain an effective regulatory strategy.

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