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2021 Future of Cyber Survey

Gaining visibility into complexity. How cyber is shaping the future.

Complexity is here to stay. Hybrid work environments have become a fixture, the cloud is growing in importance to almost every type of enterprise and as devices and applications evolve, they are evermore connected.

This year’s future of cyber survey highlighted that amid this digital transformation, global leaders have noted a significant increase in cyberattacks at their companies in the past year. However, plans remain for continued investment in the digital space.

There is no choice but to gain greater visibility across increasingly complex hybrid ecosystems. The stakes—be they operational disruption, reputational loss or deflated equity valuations—are too high.In 2021, we expanded our survey beyond leaders with direct oversight for cyber to include those who should be cyber’s greatest champions: CEOs, CFOs, CMOs, CIOs and CISOs.

Download the report to find out insights from nearly 600 global C-level executives who have visibility into the cybersecurity functions of their organisations.

For more information and to view the full results of Deloitte Global’s 2021 Future of Cyber Survey, visit:

“The reality of living in a cyber-everywhere world also brings an elevated risk environment. Businesses across Australia – whether in financial services, health care, or public sector - are on a fast-tracked path of digital transformation and cloud migration. And now more than ever, responsibility needs to shift upwards. Organisations that don’t incorporate cybersecurity into every aspect of their business risk increase their vulnerability to attack, so it’s critical to have visibility to manage that risk, balance proactive and reactive responses, and to fully empower the CISO.”

-Ian Blatchford, Deloitte Australia Cyber Leader

“With digital transformation impacting every aspect of business, it is becoming apparent that the journey can either enhance business performance or amplify and spread risk. Cyber security is a crucial enabler and integrating a clear and robust cyber strategy into the core of any business will not only help achieve business outcomes but will also reduce vulnerability from cyberattacks. It is critical to break down institutional silos and get lines of business to collaborate on cybersecurity,” 

-Dave Kennedy, Deloitte Asia Pacific Risk Advisory Leader

The Future of Cyber Survey 2021

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