We operate in an intangible economy, where net intangible assets represent almost 60% of ASX value and 90% of Nasdaq value, yet the balance sheets of companies show a very limited range of these valuable assets. There are global moves to include broader intangible asset reporting. Until that time, it is up to the boards and executive management to put appropriate focus, governance and investment into intangible assets.
Technology, brands and data have become dominant value drivers. These intangible assets are pivotal to competitive advantage and have massive upside potential, but they are complex and can be vulnerable. Value misjudgements can result in squandered opportunities, impairments and erosion of market share. The days of tech, data and brands being the domain of specific sectors are over. This is reflected in business terminology: agritech, biotech, fintech, fueltech, infratech, miningtech, nanotech and proptech (to name a few). Across industries, IP assets are used as both disruptive weapons and shields to protect competitive advantage. The key drivers of digital transformation, energy transition and sustainability are intangible assets.
Effective M&A, strategy, tax planning and risk management require visibility of the strength and value of IP assets. Yet most companies have poor governance systems for tech, data and brand assets. Deloitte’s IP Advisory services specialise in helping companies to quantify, govern, manage and commercialise IP assets. Specialist rating and valuation tools provide visibility of the economics of tech, brands and data assets - supporting defensible and insightful valuations and advice that optimises asset value and enterprise value. Through Deloitte’s multi-disciplinary model, we offer a 360° view of IP assets (“IP360”) by combining strategy, governance, valuation, tax, legal and other capabilities to meet client needs.