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Employment Forecasts

A Deloitte Access Economics publication

Make more informed business and strategic decisions with our detailed employment commentary and forecast data across industries and regions.

Forecasting plays a pivotal role in long-term strategic planning. By having access to forecast data and expert analysis on the future path for employment across many dimensions, you’ll be better positioned to support workforce strategy and operations for your business and market.

Produced quarterly, Employment Forecasts provides detailed forecasts and commentary on employment in Australia across industries, detailed occupations and regions, including deep insights into three worker classifications:

  1. White collar: Workers in occupations typically attached to an office environment
  2. Blue collar: Workers in occupations who typically engage in manual work such as those in industrial settings
  3. Human services: Workers in occupations typically associated as service workers who may not be attached to an office environment

Our authoritative insight can help both businesses and policy makers take the pulse of Australia’s economy. If you’re looking to better understand property demand which is driven by industry and occupation employment, our detailed forecast data and analysis can help you make informed business decisions. Our white-collar employment estimate captures demand for CBD office space across industry sectors, making it a vital resource for landlords, brokers and the business community.

Understanding changing occupation employment patterns can shed light on emerging trends: technological change, shifting skill needs, the move to net zero and a shift towards knowledge-based workforce. Our analysis of the major influences of industry and occupation employment demand offers critical guidance to policy makers, researchers and any business seeking to understand the future demand for skills and the evolving shift in the structure of the Australian economy.

Employment Forecasts’ principal author is David Rumbens. David is a senior partner in Deloitte Access Economics’ macroeconomics practice and has over two decades of experience advising senior government officials and leaders in Australia’s corporate sector on the economic environment, risks and strategy.

Key benefits

  • Expert analysis and forecast data to help you understand how industry and occupation employment trends can affect your strategic plans, financial modelling and investment decisions
  • Detailed forecasts data broken down by industry, detailed occupation, state, city and CBD region gives a robust assessment of future employment demand
  • Valuable insight on current and future demand for CBD office space, and the drivers of that demand


Pricing Options

One-off (Access to the latest release only)
Employment Forecasts report including all State, city and CBD  level data - Inc GST  - $5, 749  (Buy

Annual Subscription (Four releases per year) Inc GST
Employment Forecasts report including all State, city and CBD  level data  - $11, 499  (Buy)

Annual Subscription with detailed occupation forecasts (Four releases per year) Inc GST
Employment Forecasts report including all State, city and CBD level data and detailed occupation data by state - Inc GST - $19,499 (Buy)

Annual Subscription of detailed occupation forecasts only (Four releases per year) Inc GST
Detailed occupation data by state - Inc GST - $12,499 (Buy)

For further information (publications):
T: +61 3 9667 5070

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Deloitte Access Economics produces five highly regarded publications, aimed at giving clients a leading edge by providing key economic data and analysis.

Purchase a one-off report or subscribe to the annual publication to Strengthen and enhance your strategic planning capacity with Australia’s most sophisticated economic commentary and forecast data.

We also produce the Weekly Economic Briefing a personal view of financial and economic issues written by two senior Deloitte economists David Rumbens and Stephen Smith from Deloitte Access Economics in Australia.

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