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Mobile nation 2022

5G unleashed

In a report for the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) Deloitte Access Economics examines the impact of mobile on productivity in the Australian economy and the importance of mobile technologies in enabling workforce participation and productivity.

Mobile nation 2022


5G unleashed

5G is here and is transforming the Australian business landscape. Australia is currently ranked 3rd in 5G connected devices per capita, but is at risk of not keeping up and falling to 9th as other countries accelerate their adoption. If Australia is able to maintain its global leadership, this would result in significant economic benefits, with an additional $27 million in productivity benefits to the Australian economy out to 2030. Take up of 5G enabled use cases will also transform industry. For instance, future farms will enable greenhouse automation, smart manufacturing will enable remote monitoring and sensors, future clinics will predict patient outcomes and future cities will enable automated traffic management.

AMTA has commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to report on the Australian 5G opportunity and policy priorities to support rollout and take up of 5G. The report is informed by forecasting the productivity impacts of 5G on the economy based on GSMA intelligence data, a business survey and consultations with key stakeholders across four industries: agriculture, health care, manufacturing and smart cities. The report identifies 11 policy initiatives across three key areas: driving national adoption of 5G, spectrum allocation and infrastructure deployment.

Mobile nation 2019


The 5G future

Australia is truly a mobile nation. More than nine out of every ten Australians own a smartphone, and it’s the first thing we take when we leave the house. Mobiles have become ubiquitous because of the value they provide to us as individuals. They are key to how we communicate with loved ones, entertain ourselves, keep safe and manage our responsibilities. Almost half (48%) of Australians say their mobile devices provide them with more freedom, and eight out of ten use their phone to connect with family and friends at least once a week.

In the context of carriers beginning mass scale 5G rollout, AMTA has asked Deloitte Access Economics to provide an update on the impact of mobile on Australia’s economy, and for the first time, the broader impacts on society.

The report is informed by new modelling, forecasting the impact of mobile into the future, based on data from 37 countries over 30 years, as well as a survey of over 1,000 Australians. It finds that, the mobile industry contributed $23 billion in value added in 2017/18, and supports the employment of 116,000 people. Outside of the industry itself, the report finds that by 2023, mobile will be worth $65 billion to the Australian economy - equivalent to $2,500 for every Australian.

Mobile nation 2016


Driving workforce participation and productivity

The mobile revolution has spread beyond smartphones to a range of devices, including tablets, laptops and dongles. More businesses and individuals are adapting the way they behave and respond to mobile technology. Improvements in speed and latency will enable a range of new disruptive services, including the Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous driving, mobile wallets and drone technologies. 

Deloitte Access Economics has reported on the updated impact of mobile on productivity in the Australian economy. The research also assesses the importance of mobile technologies in enabling workforce participation.

Mobile nation 2015


Opportunities and strategies for retail

The retail trade industry is a key part of the Australian economy. It is the consumer-facing end of many supply chains and industries, from manufacturing to agriculture and has experienced significant change over the past decade because of digital disruption, including from the internet, smart phones and other mobile technologies. Consumers’ rapid adoption of new technology has been the key driver of change in the retail sector. This report updates the research conducted in 2013 with a focus on retail.

Mobile nation 2013


The economic and social impacts of mobile technology

The mobile has become the dominant form of telecommunications technology and has become critical to business, while growing investments in 4G networks and the National Broadband Network promise to drive this technology even more deeply through our economy and society.

Against this backdrop, the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to report on the economic, business and social impacts of the Australian mobile telecommunications industry.


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