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Future of Food

How technology and global trends are transforming the food industry

Technological and consumer trends are changing the way we eat. This piece explores four potential futures for the food ecosystem in the Asia Pacific.

Every day, 7.7 billion people around the world eat, consuming 14.5 million tonnes of food. But what, when, where and how we eat is changing. Nowhere is that more evident than in the Asia Pacific - home to more than half the world's population, and dozens of different cultures with their own food practices.

This report examines four potential scenarios for the future of food in the Asia Pacific, and what they would mean for the food ecosystem:

  • One plate at a time - ethically and socially conscious consumers demand change
  • Data driven food - technology takes the guesswork out of food and eating
  • Master chef - quality food, whether cooked or delivered, brings people together
  • On trend - experience-hungry consumers chase the latest craze.


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