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The economic and social benefits of Opera Queensland

Bringing measurable economic benefits and broadening Queensland's brand in the lead up to Brisbane 2032

While many might recognise opera as an important social institution, it is often regarded as a non-economic activity with limited benefits to the wider community. This report challenges that perspective. Through a rigorous research process, it examines the economic contribution of opera in Queensland and provides a clearer articulation of the society-wide benefits.

This Deloitte Access Economics report has been commissioned by Opera Queensland, one of Australia’s five major opera companies, as it contemplates making permanent a third annual mainstage opera production in Brisbane.

Opera is a unique, immersive artform bringing enjoyment and value to those who experience it. In 2021, Opera Queensland created $1.7 million in consumer value.

Opera Queensland also contributed $6 million in total value added to the Queensland economy and supported 55 full-time equivalent jobs. In addition to the value added is economic activity supported by attributable tourism from intrastate, interstate and overseas visitors. In total, $205,600 was contributed in additional value added in 2021 through this tourism activity.

Opera, like other forms of arts and culture, produces a range of broader social benefits, including community pride, cultural understanding and improved mental health. Opera Queensland also supports access to productions in regional and remote Queensland, such as the Festival of Outback Opera. In 2021, Opera Queensland hosted productions across 31 regional and remote locations.

With the Queensland Government committed to hosting the 2032 Olympics and Paralympic Games, timely investment into the opera would help to showcase Queensland as a cultural destination and artistic centre.

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