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Carbon analytics

Australia’s performance in the G20

Supported by Origin Energy, Deloitte Access Economics analysis provides a different way of looking at emissions.
Carbon analytics

As production to meet global demand (particularly for emissions intensive manufactured goods) continues to shift from advanced to emerging economies the challenges of reducing emissions while maintaining economic growth will become even more acute. By recognising the role of consumption in driving global emissions, consumption-based emissions analysis also suggests a role for advanced economies in assisting emerging economies through targeted research and development and deployment of technology to reduce carbon intensity.

Supported by Origin Energy, this series of reports looks at Australia’s performance in the G20. 


Consumption-based carbon emissions

The second report presents data on consumption-based emissions for the G20 countries and explore the significance of trade relationships between countries in driving emissions and emissions reductions. Delitte Access Economics aims to provide new insights and foster informed debate on current issues affecting carbon emissions from the energy sector in Australia.


Emissions metrics: Australia’s carbon footprint in the G20

In the first report, Deloitte Access Economics proposes a better way to understand the economic drivers of carbon emissions and better reflect the relationship between emissions and economic activity.The analysis looks some of the drivers of emissions performance in the context of economic growth targets, the need for consistent policy approaches between economic growth and carbon emissions reduction targets, and delinking carbon emissions from energy production (and GDP growth) to drive the development of economically viable low emissions or zero emissions technology.

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