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Valuing the impact of genomics on healthcare in Australia

This report highlights the value of genomics on healthcare in Australia, with a view to raising awareness of the potential diagnostic applications of genomics and their impact on patient, health system and broader societal outcomes.

Genomics, the study of genes, is making it possible to predict, diagnose, and treat diseases more precisely and personally than ever.

Deloitte Access Economics’ research for the Industry Genomics Network Alliance (InGeNA) provides a snapshot of the potential value of genomics on healthcare in Australia by profiling a suite of case study applications across the screening, diagnosis, and treatment stages of the care continuum.

Within each case study, a cost-effectiveness analysis is performed to quantify the extent to which the additional upfront costs of genomic testing (compared to current practice) are offset by longer-term benefits such as improved healthoutcomes, cost-savings to the health system, and productivity gains tosociety.

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