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Forecasting the future

Community Services in Queensland 2025

This Deloitte Access Economics report provides an overview of the current and future state of the Community Services Industry in Queensland, and sets out future industry implications and success imperatives.

Forecasting the future

Deloitte Access Economics was engaged to assist the Community Services Industry Alliance (CSIA) and the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (DCCSDS) to establish a future profile of the Community Services Industry in Queensland, looking forward ten years to 2025. The report draws together an analysis of the Industry at present and its expected future state in Queensland. Analysis considers a number of quantitative and qualitative domains, as agreed with CSIA and DCCSDS, including key data on the economy, society, industry and the policy environment.

Key findings

Key findings indicate that, as the ageing population grows disproportionately to the overall population, demand for services will increase without a matched increase in Government’s capacity to invest in services. The primary implications for the Industry are the need to attract and retain the workforce to meet demand, and find ways to diversify revenue sources and provide services more efficiently as investors, funders and clients seek better value for money. Success imperatives focus on embracing and optimising an outcomes focus; research and innovation; digital disruption; funding and financing; productivity; collaboration and cooperation; and policy and regulation.


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