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Financial benchmarking survey of disability service providers in the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Assisting the National Disability Insurance Agency with determining price controls for services

Deloitte Access Economics was engaged to design and field a financial benchmarking survey of NDIS providers. The results from the survey will be used to guide price controls for services, and to monitor the market for possible market failures or opportunities for future deregulation.

The National Disability Insurance Agency regulates the prices of some services which are delivered through the National Disability Insurance Scheme. The Agency employs a Cost Model which estimates the costs of service provision for some types of services. The output of this model is used to guide price controls for these services.

Deloitte Access Economics was engaged to design and field a financial benchmarking survey of NDIS providers, with results received from approximately 800 providers. The results from the survey will be used to inform the Cost Model, and to monitor the market for possible market failures or opportunities for future deregulation.

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